Percentage Calculator
This is a simple yet powerful calculator for all your percentage calculations. Whether you need to calculate discounts, determine percentage changes, or find what percent one number is of another, this tool makes percentage math quick and easy.
How to Use
- What is X% of Y?
- Enter the percentage in the first field.
- Enter the number you want to calculate the percentage of in the second field.
- Example: To find 15% of 200, enter 15 and 200
- X is what percent of Y?
- Enter the number (X) in the first field
- Enter the total value (Y) in the second field
- Example: To find what percent 30 is of 150, enter 30 and 150
- Percentage Increase/Decrease
- Enter the original value in the first field
- Enter the new value in the second field
- Example: To find the percentage change from 100 to 125, enter 100 and 125
For all calculations, either click the “Calculate” button or press Enter after entering your numbers.
What is X% of Y?
X is what percent of Y?
Percentage Increase/Decrease
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Tips For Accurate Results
Common Use Cases
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have specific questions about your calculations or need help interpreting results, refer to this FAQ or use the examples provided above each calculator.
Remember: This calculator follows standard mathematical rules for percentage calculations and provides results that you can rely on for business, academic, or personal use.